Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Gwenster`s Top 5 Downloadable Games of 2008

It`s quite funny how I never expected to actually pay for Xbox Live Arcade games when Microsoft first pitched for this, it probably has more to do with the games that were available then as opposed to the wide array of amazing titles now more than anything else. As of now, I own a total of 39 Xbox360 games, 16 of which are Xbox live arcade games ! On avarage, I play more short sittings on a daily basis of an XBLA game, as opposed to a full triple A retail title ! That`s just saying something about the quality of these downloadable games these days who`s roots are deeply in the oldskool.

Just like the Xbox 360 before it, the Playstation 3 also has had a slow start with downloadable games on their playstation network service.
However 2008 saw an increase in great and innovative exclusive titles for the big black monolith as well such as Everyday shooter, Pixeljunk Eden and WipeoutHD amongst titles. Slowly but steadily, my PSN list of downloadable games is also expanding and I don`t see the trend stopping for either console in 2009.

Since I have *WAY* more downloadable games than Brett, I`ll actually make a proper top 5.

#5. Bionic commando: Re-armed, Available on PS3,X360 and PC

Capcom`s re-imagining of their classic NES game is brilliant.
The gameplay is still very hardcore oldksool and as such the high difficulty may keep avarage players at bay, but regardless this is one top-quality production and an excellent action platformer, one of the best !

#4. Braid, available on X360,PS3,PC

Brilliant puzzle platforming game, which seems simple and boring in the first levels or so but ends up becomming a trip of mental self exploration.
It`s hard to describe Braid, you will just need to find out for yourself by playing the demo.

#3. Geometry Wars 2, Available on X360 (Exclusive)

Over the top geometric violence in your face ! THE remake of the classic, re-invited again with six wildely different gameplay modes to conquor and 4 player multiplayer fun finish the package.

#2. Street Fighter 2 Turbo: HD Remix, Available on X360, PS3

This oldskool 2D fighter returns with a flick of new paint, slick re-drawn HD sprites and a killer fan-made soundtrack ! Don`t worry if your flatmates think your uncool playing this 15 year old re-made classic as you can take the fight online, lagfree and complete with tournament modes out of the box. This highly competitive fighting game will keep you coming for more pain.

#1. Wipeout HD, Available on PS3 (Exclusive)

Fast,faster, fastest, too bloody fast ! Wipeout is back, and how. Taking the aestitics from the later installments found exclusivly on the PSP (Pulse and Pure) this new Wipeout features 16 tracks, a lot of cars for each style of player and best of all the best graphics in a downloadable game seen to date. Pulse pounding soundtrack, brutal online gameplay and new ways to manouver your craft. This is *THE* definitive Wipeout game out there.

Games of high note

#Ikaruga - Didnt include my top 5 cause its a straight port of an old ( BUT AWESOME) game so it oesnt really count for a new 2008 game

#Rez HD - Altough beautifully remastered and well worth the money, it`s still not included in my top 5 for the same reason as Ikaruga

#Castle crashers - 4 player co-op violent yet funny side-scrolling oldskool brawling action ! KAPROW !

#Galaga legions - Wonderfull re-imagination, just fell a bit short with the super awesomeness in my top5, would have made my top10 tough !

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